Posted on: June 9, 2018 Posted by: Kayla T Comments: 0

The jig is up. You can’t eat all this food on my page and achieve slim thick goals for summer. There has got to be balance. I have the best intentions to work out until life gets in the way. I need help with accountability. So, little ‘ol me joined a boot camp for 30 days. Burn Boot Camp to be exact.

I was drawn to this boot camp because there was a Groupon for $100 off a month of membership and they are focused on a woman’s mission to get fit. We as women have a tendency to put ourselves last and when we do work out it is hard to find something that works. Problem solved.

Burn Boot camp classes :

  •  45 mins long of high intensity cardio and strength training
  •  are women only. The 6pm classes and Saturday classes are CoEd
  • providee FREE child care for the Mid Day classes and Saturday Classes.
  • are FREE to the community on Saturdays! Give it a Try.

I was a regular for the 5:30 am class. The classes were set between 5:30am and 6:00pm. The classes are filled with like-minded women on a mission. Some where stay at home moms trying to get a work out in before the kids woke up. There were school teachers working out before heading to work. There I was a little bit of both – trying to fit in a workout before taking my son to daycare and shuffling off to work full time. Burn Boot Camp is a place of encouragement and goal smashing. Tons of High Fives. Just pushing each other to be the best we can be – improving with everyday.

Burn Boot Camp keeps you focused with focus meetings every three weeks that include nutrition tips, body measurements, plans and goals. These meetings helped me see where I started and keep track of where I am heading. By the end of my 30 days I lost 7 pounds, a few inches and overall 3% body fat.( Ya girl got a  little muscle up under there.) I was ecstatic to see results.

Now that my Groupon is over and the $130/month boot camp bill doesn’t fit into my budget – I am heading back to the gym on my own.  Grind Time. I have definitely have  updated my food game. Now my foodie escapades will only be on the weekends and I’m keeping it nice and simple during the week.

I’ve got a new partner in crime as I head back to the gym: Nike Training App. It has been sitting on my phone for a few months but I finally took a peak. The app is perfect for working out anywhere – the gym or the living room. You can chose the intensity level of your workouts, duration and it even shows you HOW to do the workouts. It is a boot camp in your pocket. The best part is the work outs take you from Warm Up to Cool Down. The app times each round/rep/exercise for you . They tap your shoulder and say “Next up Burpees“. I’m sure that’s the last thing ANYONEEEEE wants to hear but it is a nice push to have a trainer in your ear.

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