Category: RECIPES

Posted on: December 29, 2017 Posted by: Kayla T Comments: 0

Finding Your Mommy Groove

Somewhere under the new tiny baby outfits, swaddles, monthly updates, SnapBack photos, and exploding love, there is a mommy trying to find her groove. It took me quite some time to catch my groove. Six months into my journey, I realized that I may have Postpartum Anxiety. Yes, the dear sister of the Postpartum Depression. Neither is talked about enough! My doctor asked questions of suicidal thoughts or fear to…

Posted on: August 2, 2017 Posted by: Kayla T Comments: 0

Read Up: Leave Your Mark

Have you ever wanted to grab coffee with someone who seems to be where you want to be professionally or just as a personal influence? Someone you admire and you just want to pick their brain on how to hone in your skills, find you purpose and bust on the scene with confidence? If you are too scared to reach out to your muse, pick up this book “Leave Your…